ADM-00001-Registration Firefighter Claim Reimbursement

State of New Jersey, Department of the Treasury

Firefighter Claim Reimbursement System

This workflow is for the registration of authorized claim representatives.  After your submission has been reviewed and approved, authorized claim representatives will be provided access to the claim submission system.  

Governmental Entity and Authorized Representative Information

Governmental Entity Category If the Governmental Entity is organized at the Municipal level, please make that selection above. If the Governmental Entity is organized at the County level, please make that selection above. Otherwise, please select Other.
Is the Governmental Entity covered by the NJ State Health Benefits Program?
If the Governmental Entity is not covered by the NJ State Health Benefits Program, does the Entity have an Insurance Provider or Self-Insured?

State of New Jersey, Department of the Treasury

Firefighter Claim Reimbursement System

As an authorized representative of the governmental entity, I attest to the accuracy and legitimacy of the information submitted herein.  I acknowledge that knowingly or willfully submitting false information constitutes insurance fraud and will be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

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